
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Armenia


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(11) Number of the patent


(13) Kind-of-document code


(21) Number of the application


(22) Date of filing the application


(45) Date of making available to public by printing of a basic patent for invention


(51) Index(es) of International Patent Classification (IPC)

A63B 24/00

(54) Title of the invention

Method of personal organization of the process of physical activity

(56) Sources of information

RU 2733870 C1, A63B 24/00, 2020

(57) Abstract of the invention (utility model)

The invention relates to the field of physical development of a person, in particular, to a method of personal organization of the process of physical activity, based on artificial intelligence.
According to the method of personal organization of the process of physical activity, a video is preliminarily recorded on which the exercise is performed by an athlete or a specialist methodologist. A reference analog is created, frame-by-frame marking of the points of the body of the reference analog is made. Based on the markup, the biomechanical parameters of the human body are calculated frame by frame: the distances and angles between the points, the general layout of the points. After identifying the user, before starting the exercise, the biomechanical data of the user are read using the camera. With the help of the system, appropriate exercises are selected. During the exercise, the similarity of the user's biomechanical parameters with the reference analogue is assessed. After the end of the training, the user is given an average assessment of the quality of the exercise and recommendations for working with the most problematic areas.
Provides increased efficiency and safety of the training process, 2 dwg

(71) Applicant(s), country code


(72) Inventor(s), country code

Nikolay Briko (RU)
Mark Deminov (RU)
Vyacheslav Krutko (RU)
Natalia Potemkina (RU)

(73) Owner(s), address, country code

LLC "UNION SPORTS AND HEALTH " - 121205, Moscow, inner-city territory Mozhaisky Municipal District, territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Bolshoy Boulevard, 42, p. 1, floor 1, room No. 306, workplace No. 53 (RU)

(74) Patent attorney

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In case you think that the given information is not correct, please, do not hesitate to contact the Intellectual Property Office.