
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Armenia


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(11) Number of the patent


(13) Kind-of-document code


(21) Number of the application


(22) Date of filing the application


(45) Date of making available to public by printing of a basic patent for invention


(51) Index(es) of International Patent Classification (IPC)

A61C 13/00

(54) Title of the invention

Tooth implant (Dentures)

(56) Sources of information

ՀՀ 3274, A61C 13/00, 2019

(57) Abstract of the invention (utility model)

The utility model relates to orthopedic dentistry, in particular to the tooth implants.
The tooth implant has a base made out of dental acrylic resin and a dentition. Additionally, the base has a recess made on the outer surface that contains a silver insert. The silver insert is shaped as a three-dimensional image of a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid or oval. The silver insert is fixed within the recess using a protrusion, running alongside the contour of the lower surface of the insert. The front side of the silver insert has grooves. The grooves are made in form of a symbol, image or code.
Provides disinfecting properties of dentures, long lifespan and expands the range of dentures.

(71) Applicant(s), country code

Tigran Karapetyan (AM)

(72) Inventor(s), country code

Tigran Karapetyan (AM)

(73) Owner(s), address, country code

Tigran Karapetyan - 0075, Yerevan, Nor Aresh 42, house 4 (AM)

Termination of the patent


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